Why Do I Feel Like Hugging A Tree?

I had popped out for a little walk at lunchtime, hoping to clear my head and catch a few light rays which were threatening to break through the clouds.

In reality I ended up walking with light snow flakes falling on my head, interspersed with a little bit of sun. It was so cold!

I was in the need of a mood booster, a bit of light relief and some fresh air in my lungs, no matter how cold it was.

I had been feeling lousy over the past few days, rubbish at life in general. A feeling which swept over me, making tears spring to my eyes out of the blue. Just another cycle on this rollercoaster that is this pandemic.

I did a couple of loops of the local park, relishing the fact that the recent plummet in temperatures meant that the ground had gone from sludge to firm earth. A little bit more inviting when you don’t have to wade through mud to complete a short walk!

I trudged through leaves which still littered the ground, tried not to slip in the few remaining muddy patches and stopped and watched the odd Robin and Blue tit flutter around the branches of trees.

Aaaannndd breathe……

I came to my favourite copse of trees in the park, mostly large oaks which provide the perfect spot to meander through.

I had a sudden urge to hug one of them!

Being outside, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the ground under my feet, I was suddenly overwhelmed with this feeling of needing to connect to nature. Hugging a tree seemed the perfect way to do this. To feel the bark and know that it is sturdy and safe.

So, did I fling myself at the nearest trunk like it was a long lost friend? No, I didn’t. There were quite a few people around! My self-consciousness stopped me from doing anything more than running my fingers lightly over the bark of one tree as I idled past it.

But I took a moment to enjoy the sensation and of being outside in the very fresh air! It’s obviously a deep seated need, particularly when we are sat in artificial environments, in front of screens for so long, it’s a lovely feeling of resetting the balance somewhat.

It’s the same feeling that I get when I find myself on a beach, the only thing I want to do is walk barefoot on the sand and in the shallows of the sea.

Maybe one day I will hug a tree, but for now I’ll make do with enjoying my walks and the nature that surrounds me.

It always helps to cheer me up, which is very much needed during this latest lockdown!

21 thoughts on “Why Do I Feel Like Hugging A Tree?

    1. I’m really sorry for the late reply to you, I hope you’ve had a great week! And thank you so much for your kind words and for the nomination, that has made my day! I have left a reply on your post 🙂 No tree hugging done this week unfortunately, but maybe one day! The sun is shining though and that always lifts the spirits. Thank you again, it really is appreciated. Have a great weekend PedroL!!


  1. Absolutely! I love taking short walks during lunchtime – another perk of working from home (although, there were some cool spots near work, too). Nature resets me. And so does the sun. I don’t like the cold, but more than that, I don’t like cloudy days followed by cloudy days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel exactly the same! It is a good perk of working from home isn’t it, I will miss it when we do finally go back to the office. I don’t think I ever really realised how important nature is to my wellbeing before this weird year…so I guess that’s one positive to come out of it 🙂 I’m glad you are also able to get out and about during lunchtime too, it is so important isn’t it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, I thought it would be too – maybe one day I will find out if it is! Getting outside really does make a different doesn’t it and I don’t think I really realised just how important it is before this past year. Being stuck inside for so long has made me realise how much I need to get outside! Preferably in the warm sunshine 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely post! I know how you feel, especially about the rollercoaster that is life right now and the tears. But, getting out and walking with the fresh air and sunshine is wonderful therapy. Also, “this too shall pass” and we will all be able to travel to far flung places once again. In the meantime, stay safe, stay well, keep taking those walks in the sun, and when no one is looking go ahead and hug that tree!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. You are completely right, this will pass and we have to remember that when times get tough don’t we. I am still getting out there when I can (although it’s been very stormy over the past few days so hasn’t been that inviting!). I hope you are staying safe and healthy too, have a lovely weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post! Nature is so healing. I’ve read a lot of articles about the positive impact of walking in the forest/park. I hope you decide to hug a tree next time the mood hits you. I often stroke my hands against the soft moss in the forests around my house and it’s amazing how even that elevates my mood (sounds kinda silly though).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It doesn’t sound silly at all! i have been so surprised how much being out in nature has helped me during this time. It has been very healing and calming, there is definitely something about it that is good for us!


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